As coaching continues to grow, so does people’s awareness of it. Even still, there remain a number of questions and a great deal of misunderstanding of what coaching actually is and how it can help. When people ask me if coaching is right for them, I simplify it by asking them two questions: 1) Do you want to make a positive change in your life? and 2) Are you ready to put in the work to make that change happen? If they answer yes to both of these, they are likely a great fit for coaching.
Below is a list of questions that dig a bit deeper. It is by no means a scientific assessment but it will give you a good sense of your fit and readiness to start coaching. Answer each question as honestly as possible as true or false for you. At the end, count how many trues you have chosen and determine your readiness.
1._____I want to make positive changes in my life and I am motivated to make those changes happen.
2._____I am open and ready to changing the way I think and operate in order to accomplish my goals.
3._____I understand that I am ultimately responsible for the life I live and that I have the power to make the changes I want to make.
4._____I acknowledge that much of the coaching process takes place in between coaching sessions, and I am ready and willing to put in the necessary work.
5._____I am willing to be confronted and challenged on my way of thinking and doing in order to change my life for the better.
6._____I am committed to the process of coaching and will dedicate at least three months to allow the process to work.
7._____I believe that coaching will help me reach my goals.
8._____I am willing to be as open and honest as possible during the coaching process in order to achieve the goals I have.
9._____I do not expect my coach to fix my problems. I recognize that the work is mine to do.
10.____The thought of working with a coach is energizing and motivating for me.
9-10 Trues– You were ready yesterday! What are you waiting for? Click HERE to set up your first session
7-8 Trues– You are ready for coaching. Review the answers that were false for you and think about what it would take for them to become true. Share them with your coach.
5-6 Trues– You may be ready depending on your willingness to change thoses falses to trues. Discuss with your coach how to make that happen.
Below 5– You are not quite ready for coaching, but that does not mean you won’t be ready in the future. Continue to visit our BLOG to learn more and when you are ready, we will be ready for you!
To download a copy of this quiz, click HERE
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