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Staying on Track as a Leader

staying on track
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If you are looking to be the best leader you can be, you need to be aware of the biggest obstacles likely to cross your path. Common obstacles  can cause severe setbacks in your career, and you want to make sure you are ready!

6 Common Ways Leaders Fall Off Track

Negative Disposition

A hostile or volatile temperament will end a career fast. Despite the recent increase in remote work, organizations still expect leaders to display behavior that reflects the standards and culture of the organization. A successful leader is cooperative even in the most challenging situations.

Lack of Coachability

Organizations want leaders who are coachable – people who are eager to learn, welcome and seek out feedback, and are not afraid of new perspectives or methods of improvement — an M.V.P., you could say. Those who lack coachability refuse to hear or act on advice and instead internalize it and continue their adverse behavior.

Limited or Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or emotional quotient (E.Q.), refers to the ability to interpret and manage our emotions and relate to the emotions that others feel. Those with a high E.Q. are better at conflict management, team building, and leadership skills.

Lack of Commitment

Being a leader requires commitment. Those without the motivation to fully incorporate and excel within the organization will likely not be around for long. Do not rely on temporary excitement and perks; keep committed and integrate yourself with your team.

Lack of Self-Improvement

As the world changes, so must you. Great leaders understand that there is always room for self-improvement. There are loads of professional growth options including trainings, courses, blogs, podcasts, coaching, etc. Being a strong leader means continuous commitment and investment in being a strong leader. Take advantage of all the support.

Administrative Disorganization

It is easy to overlook some administrative details, but this can lead to extreme consequences. Neglecting the administrative aspects of your work, especially those with legal implications, can cause serious setbacks. Make sure you have systems in place to get things done legally, ethically and on time. It is also invaluable to have a strong support network that can help you and let you know when something needs to change.

5 Core Competencies for Leaders to Stay on Track

A great leader not only avoids common obstacles but also embraces and builds core competencies for their craft. Some core competencies for leaders include:

Be The Best Leader You Can Be

  • Be committed to your team
  • Be open to advice and feedback
  • Develop emotional and social intelligence
  • Embrace change and self-improvement
  • Handle administrative tasks properly

Being a leader takes a lot of work, investment and desire to do it well. Knowing some of the common derailers of leaders and how to prepare for and avoid them will help you become the leader you strive to be. We are happy to help you with that too.


Patrick Young is an educator and activist. He believes people with disabilities must live within a unique set of circumstances–the outside world often either underestimates them or ignores their needs altogether. He created Able USA to offer helpful resources to people with disabilities and to provide advice on navigating various aspects of life as a person with disabilities.

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